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UPK Lottery Registration
Lancers Lacrosse Winter Session Boys and Girls Grades k-6. November 12-February 22. Location and Time Vary By Age Group. Please download the TeamLink app to get up to date info. $75 Equipment Rental, $20 Boys, $10 Girls. If you played fall session, rental is waived.  Sticks provided for 1st year players. New players get a free lax swag bag. Registration begins on 10/22. Scan here to register or go to eiaalacrosse.com.
 Durand Eastman PTA Presents their 4th annual Holiday Bazaar. Saturday, Nov. 16, 11am-5pm. Durand Eastman Intermediate School, 95 Point Pleasant Rd., Rochester, NY 14622. Free Entry. Fundraiser. 40+ Crafters and Vendors. Ornaments, Wreaths, Home Decor, Soap, Candles, Jewlery, Raffles, and so much more.
2024 capital project vote, december 10 2024, 6am-9pm, eastridge high school
Indigenous People's Day
East Irondequoit Educational Foundation Sponsored Community Garage Sale. All proceeds benefit East Irondequoit students. Vendor spaces available. October 19, 10 am - 3 pm. East Irondequoit Middle School, 155 Densmore Road, $30 vendor space. Visit our website to download a vendor registration form: www. eastiron.org.
Back  to School Lancer checklist!
EICSD online spirit store is back open, eicsd fall apparel store
We Are Hiring - Center for Youth, Join us!
East Irondequoit CSD Summer Meal Program. Free Breakfast & Lunch for ALL children 18 years old and younger.  Locations: Durand Eastman Intermediate School East Irondequoit Middle School Helendale Road School.  Dates and Times: July 1 - August 16, 2024, Breakfast: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Lunch: 11:00 am - 12:45 pm.  The East Irondequoit Summer Meals Program is a USDA-funded program. East Irondequoit CSD and USDA are equal opportunity providers and employers.
high school musical
spring flower sale
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Ivan Green Secondhand Freemarket