Registration Contacts
District Registrar: Sue Accorso
Phone: (585) 339-1213
Deputy Registrar: Susan Elliott-Mauro
Phone: (585) 339-1251
Fax: (585) 339-1279
East Irondequoit Central School District
600 Pardee Road
Rochester, NY 14609
Note: Entrance is located on the Norton Street side of the Laurelton-Pardee Intermediate School Building
Lock Box: Located at entrance 7 outside of Central Office. (The box is located next to the external entrance to the board room).
New Student Registration Information

Welcome to the East Irondequoit Central School District!
PLEASE NOTE: The Census does not share information with the school district, so it is still necessary, if you have a child who is under the age of 5 and is not currently attending school, that you complete the District Census Form. This does not apply to incoming kindergarten students (please follow the directions for registering an incoming kindergarten student).
New York State law, regulations, and district policy requires that children attend school where their parent(s) or person(s) in parental relation resides.
To register school-age students to attend East Irondequoit Schools, click here.
To register incoming kindergarten students to attend East Irondequoit Schools, click here.
To register students who will be attending a private/parochial or charter school, click here. Please note for private/parochial or charter school registrations, a transportation form needs to be completed at registration, even if you are not requesting a bus. This form needs be completed on a yearly basis so that transportation knows the expectation (Parent Transport, Walker, Bus Requested).
Residency – If you are living in a shared-housing living arrangement, you may need to obtain additional documentation. Please contact the registration office for details.
If you find yourself without a fixed, adequate, and regular nighttime residence, you may be eligible for educational services under the McKinney-Vento Act. Please contact Jim Vallone, Homeless Liaison, via email or by phone at (585) 339-1229.
Moved within the District
If you have recently moved within the district, please contact the Central Registration Office to change your address. Proof of Residency will be required.
Moved outside the District
If you have recently moved outside the district, please contact the building secretary or counseling center secretary (Middle and High School) of the school your child(ren) attend for the withdrawal process.