IB Seniors
Congratulations! You've not only joined a very prestigious group of students worldwide who are challenging themselves by working towards the IB Diploma, but you've successfully made it through the first year! On this page, you will find many useful resources to support you in this process.
IB Seniors Meetings
3rd block: (during TOK class)
All meetings will take place in rm 138.
Please enter these dates/times into your personal calendar:
September 24
October 26
November 29
December 15
January 21
February 14
March 21
April 26
No meeting in May - IB Exam Month
May 10- IB Diploma Night: EHS Café, IB Junior Induction 7:30
June 10
Requirements for Awarding the IB Diploma
General Regulations (IB Publication)
In order to earn the IB Diploma, students must fulfill the following requirements:
Advice for a Successful (and Manageable) Senior Year
Keep a calendar of assignments and responsibilities either on paper or by using one of the many calendar apps available. Your life is too busy (and it will only get busier) to try to keep all of your responsibilities in your head. Relieve yourself of this mental task by keeping track of what you need to do in a calendar.
Don’t procrastinate! It’s easy to underestimate the amount of time you will need for your academic work. Start assignments and projects as early as possible and reserve regular amounts of time to work on these. Chunking your workload is a highly effective strategy for managing a heavy workload.
Stay current with your workload. The amount of work you get will only increase as the year progresses, so make sure not to let the work build up to the point where it is overwhelming.
Carefully manage your schedule including your academic responsibilities, work and your senior year obligations, such as applying for college. Take inventory of what you wish to accomplish this year and develop a plan to make it happen. Choosing a college and then applying is one of the most important tasks of your high school career. Do as much as the Common Application process as early as possible including starting to write your college essay.
Learn to prioritize! When you find yourself getting behind or overwhelmed, make a list of what you need to do, prioritize the most important items and attack those first.
Take advantage of feedback from teachers by making sure to turn in rough drafts. For IB classes, there is often a limitation set by IB on the number of times a teacher can read a rough draft or give feedback/comments. If the rough draft is not turned in, you end up forfeiting this valuable feedback that could make your final assessment much better and increase your overall grade.
Ask for help when you need it: from your teachers, from your peers, from the School Counseling Staff, from the Librarian and from the IB DP Coordinator! You are not alone—we are hear to support you!
- Successful Graduates of Eastridge’s IB Diploma Program
Sources of Support/Help
While you will be primarily responsible for your studies, you are entitled to all of the support you require; it is important that you seek out assistance when you need it. No one is expecting you to be perfect. However, we do expect that you will be concerned enough about your performance that you will seek the help you need. This means…
doing work before deadlines arrive so that you aren’t stuck at the last minute.
asking questions about assignments before you leave school for the day
arranging study groups with friends/ classmates
bringing any concerns you have to the IB DP Coordinator or another staff member.
The types of resources available to you vary by the situation:
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Do you have a problem with a class or managing your workload? Do you want to change your schedule? Do you have a general concern/problem? Contact Ms. Reynolds
Homework questions? ask your classroom teacher before you leave school; consult the classroom’s teachers Schoology page or school web page; consult a trusted classmate; email classroom teacher; contact Ms. Reynolds
College Questions—contact your school counsellor or Ms. Reynolds