IB Exam Schedule
Click here for the May 2024 Schedule
Helpful Information
Sample Blank Answer Sheet
Conduct During the Examinations
Entering the Exam room:
Line up outside the exam room quietly. When instructed, enter the room in a quiet and orderly manner.
The coordinator will decide where each candidate will sit during the exam.
What to bring:
Drinking water is permitted but snacks are not (unless you have a documented medical reason for having them during the exam).
Candidates may take to their desk only the following items:
Writing utensils—blue or back pens / pencils (bring spares of everything);
Your candidate code;
A translating dictionary for non-language examinations;
An electronic calculator where permitted;
Any other materials specified by the IB.
Candidates may not use or store data, programs or applications in their calculators that may assist them in an examination by removing the need to recall facts or formulae that are not provided in the examination materials.
Students should not bring any bags to examinations as these will not be permitted in the exam room. Instead, students should leave all bags, bookbags, and purses in their lockers.
Please leave ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES in your lockers including, but not limited to: mobile phones, iPods & mp3 players, iPads, tablet and laptop computers. Possession of any such unauthorized material is a breach of regulations and may result in the cancellation of your exam.
Reading Time
You will get 5 minutes reading time at the beginning of each paper unless it is a multiple choice paper. Use this time to read the exam paper. You are not permitted to write during this time.
Writing your script
Candidates are not permitted to use correcting fluid/pens. Instead, candidates are instructed to cross out any mistakes.
Rough notes can be in pencil.
Appropriate exam behavior
Do not talk unless asked to do so.
Avoid eye contact with other candidates.
Put your hand up if you need assistance.
The coordinator/examination supervisor will come to your desk at which point you can quietly relay your question/request.
Late arrival
Candidates are allowed into the examination room during the first 30 minutes after the start of an examination. No additional time will be allowed for the examination.
After the first 30 minutes candidates will not be allowed into the examination, nor will they be permitted to take the examination at a rescheduled time.
Bathroom visits
You must ask if you want to go to the bathroom.
Only one student is permitted to use the bathroom at a time.
You will be escorted to and from the bathroom.
During the examination, and at other times specified by the coordinator/examination supervisor, a candidate must not communicate with any other candidate.
The impersonation of another candidate will be treated as a breach of regulations.
End of the exam procedures
There will be a clock/timer in the room and you will be told when you have 30 and then 5 minutes left in the examination period.
Candidates will not be allowed to leave the examination room during the first hour or during the last 15 minutes of any examination.
If a candidate leaves the examination before the scheduled finishing time, the candidate will not be allowed to return.
Candidates must give all examination papers, answer sheets, multiple choice answer sheets and rough notes to the coordinator/examination supervisor at the end of the examination. Rough notes will not be marked but must be submitted if used.
Candidates must leave the examination room in a quiet and orderly manner
Results of the May examination session are available to student via www.candidates.ibo.org on July 6th. In order to look up your results, you will need your “Personal Code” and your “PIN”, both of which were given to you in the spring. If you have misplaced this information, please email the IB DP Coordinator. To learn how to look up your results, please visit the EHS graduates page.
Resources for Students and Parents
Helping your Children through Exams