Honoring the strong women at Ivan Green
We had a GREAT Ivan Green week.
Next Week is School Breakfast Week! #IGAchieves
Here is the news from Ivan Green for this week!
Reminder: There is an Ivan Green 2nd grade parent information night tomorrow, Thursday, March 3, for parents of entering 3rd graders next year, at 6PM in the Durand Eastman Auditorium.
This workshop offering will be held virtually via Zoom on two dates – select the date that works best for you. A
link to the Zoom meeting and any resources will be sent to all registered participants ahead of time.
Dates & Registration:
Date: Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Time: 12:00 noon – 1:30 pm
Register in advance for this meeting:
Date: Tuesday, June 7, 2022
Time: 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the
For questions or more information: Contact Barb Wischnowski, Resource & Referral Specialist at the Mid-West
Early Childhood Family & Community Engagement Center by phone or email.
barbara_wischnowski@boces.monroe.edu (585) 249-7817guage and
reading skills when they are ready to learn to read at school.
▪ The participants who attend this session will learn some helpful ideas and strategies to help children
gain vocabulary which later helps with reading skills.
▪ Participants will also explore how to partner with a child’s teachers to help them develop a large
vocabulary and learn to love reading.
Hello IG Families! Today's Morning Show shared a message about masking at school related to the changes beginning tomorrow. I would like you to hear what our students were told. Please give a listen...
Remember, there will be a free COVID Test Kit drive-thru for families with children attending East Irondequoit Schools tomorrow, February 24th from 4-6pm at Laurelton-Pardee School. Stop by the drive-thru to pick up 1 test kit per student in your household.
We’re hiring a Probationary School Counselor at EIMS, for more information and to apply: https://eirondequoit.recruitfront.com/JobPosting?JID=20087
We made it to Winter Break! Enjoy it, but first read our IG news: https://sway.office.com/MX5RnqztJM8wQnT3?ref=Link
Reminder: There will be a free COVID Test Kit drive-thru for families with children attending East Irondequoit Schools on Thursday, February 24th from 4-6pm at Laurelton-Pardee School. Stop by the drive-thru to pick up 1 test kit per student in your household.
Stop by the Black History Month Pop Up Shop at the Irondequoit Community Center on February 26th!
There will be a free COVID Test Kit drive-thru for families with children attending East Irondequoit Schools on Thursday, February 24th from 4-6pm at Laurelton-Pardee School. Stop by the drive-thru to pick up 1 test kit per student in your household.
Who wants to play soccer? Check out this opportunity. #IG Achieves
Enjoy today's news! And, make sure you check out our Instagram @ivangreenprimary for some great photos from the week! #IGAchieves
Reminder: There will be a Free COVID Test Kit drive-thru for families with children attending East Irondequoit Schools on Saturday, February 5th from 9-11am at Laurelton-Pardee and Durand Eastman Schools. Stop by the drive thru to pick up 1 test kit per student in your household.
This week's Ivan Green News: https://sway.office.com/I4q2Y3NWhpA1yJCG?ref=Link #IGAchieves
Because of severe winter weather forecast through tomorrow-all schools in East Irondequoit will be closed
Because of the anticipated inclement weather conditions later today and tonight, all after school activities have been cancelled.
There will be a Free COVID Test Kit drive-thru for families with children attending East Irondequoit Schools on Saturday, February 5th from 9-11am at Laurelton-Pardee and Durand Eastman Schools. Stop by the drive thru to pick up 1 test kit per student in your household.