What Are Your Options After High School?



If it is your intention to join the work force when you graduate, there are a number of things you need to do to prepare. If you have not completed a resume as part of a course at school, this needs to be done. Interviewing skills need to be reviewed. Your counselor is available to assist with all of this. These links show you training and apprenticeships that are available in the Rochester area.

Trade Schools


Military Service

If you are thinking of the military as an option for after high school, you will need to and want to:

  • Take the ASVAB offered each year by the Armed Services.

  • Arrange to speak with the recruiter for the branch of the service that interests you. This can be done through the Counseling Center. We will have the recruiter meet with you in the Career Center. If you would like to arrange further meetings, we suggest having the recruiter meet with you in your home so that your parents can understand the process and have the opportunity to ask questions.

Army (585) 957-9000

Navy (585) 663-1749

AirForce (607) 368-5371

Coast Guard

Other Opportunities

Some students may be unsure of what they wish to do upon completion of high school. Others may need some time off before continuing on with their education, and yet do not want to spend this time working at a local fast food restaurant. One alternative is…

AmeriCorps - A volunteer program which offers individuals the opportunity to work in an area of community need. AmeriCorps includes both the VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) and NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps.) Volunteers do earn money, as well as credit for college expenses.

How We Can Help