East Irondequoit Board of Education

Welcome to the Board of Education. We are glad you're interested in learning more about East Irondequoit. Our nine member board establishes the vision for education for our district. Diverse backgrounds, independent thinkers, committed to children, advocates for the community; these are phrases that would best describe our board members. Working together and supporting our superintendent, Mary Grow, as she implements this vision, East Irondequoit today is working to meet and exceed state standards, improve student achievement and provide success for every student in our schools, everyday.
Building a future, one student at a time, is not just a phrase, it is reality. Children are not just test scores, not just rankings in the paper, not just faces in a crowd. In our district, each one is special. Each one has potential for greatness. Each one, an individual, who will learn and grow at his or her own pace. We are here to foster a love for learning and a solid basic education in a safe and nurturing environment. The future is being built today.
Please feel free to come to a meeting of our board. Dates and locations can be found on the district calendar.
It is the practice of the board to encourage the community to share information and concerns with board members. Individuals wishing to address the board are required to sign up in advance of at least 24 hours, by calling 339-1210, or emailing Carleigh Bellingham, District Clerk, and, providing name, address, and whether it is regarding an agenda item or non-agenda item.
Names will be placed on a speakers list and speakers will be called in the order signed up. Speakers are asked to keep remarks to 3 minutes. Public input will be divided into two sections: comments regarding agenda items and comments regarding non-agenda items. Public input will be offered at the first board meeting of the month only. At the discretion of the Board President, inaccurate information may be given a response. However, in most cases, questions are referred to the Superintendent to prepare a response by the next meeting.