Did you hear the news? Helendale's One Word for our year is..................
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
BELONG Picture of Heart
You’re KNOT going to believe it, Mr. Cresimani & Mrs. McNally have been practicing show tying with our first and second graders!!
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
kids practicing shoe tying
shoe tying
shoe tying
Thumbs up for Friday! Be sure to check out the newest principal’s update: https://www.smore.com/s89tr
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
2 students in library
Our first graders and kindergartners are learning about bullying prevention! Be sure to check out the newest principal’s update tomorrow for more info on talking about bullying at home!
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
picture of kids in the library
Our first graders and kindergartners are learning about bullying prevention! Be sure to check out the newest principal’s update tomorrow for more info on talking about bullying at home!
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
Reminder- we do not have school Tomorrow, 1/16, as we pause to celebrate and reflect on the contributions of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
MLK photo and quote
Some friends won a cosmic dance party with Mr. D & Mrs. Groat! Others learned about caribou and reindeers and worked on spelling! A reminder that we do not have school on Monday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
children replaying
children replaying
children replaying
children dancing
🚛🚚Vroom vroom! Helendale will be naming two town of Irondequoit trucks! Students will get contest forms home Friday and will have until 1/20 to bring them in!
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
blue truck
yellow truck
Truck naming contest!
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
blue truck
yellow truck
We love our dismissal team and our friends Helen & Dale have picked their word for the year!
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
people in rain
two stuffed animals
Great start to our one word!
over 1 year ago, Mr, D'Abreu
picture of one word
Helendale had a fun assembly today with a snowman contest, a story by Mr. D. and the announcement that there is a snow day tomorrow! Check out all the fun here: https://eastirondequoit.smugmug.com/Helendale-Road/2022-2023/Festival-of-Light-Performance/ #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
students at Helendale
student at helendale
students at Helendale
Snowman Contest
At Helendale, students in Ms. McCrae & Ms. Abel's class have spent December traveling around the world to visit 16 countries and learn about their winter holidays. They have their suitcase packed, and their passport ready for when they go through customs. Check out all the learning and fun here: https://eastirondequoit.smugmug.com/Helendale-Road/2022-2023/Holidays-Around-the-World/ #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
student passing through customs as they travel to their next country
students suitcase and passport for learning about different countries holidays
student working on the activity for the country of the day
student cutting paper
Today, Elizabeth Wyatt's kindergarten class at HR learned about Israel and Hannukah traditions. They played dreidel, made their own menorahs and tried latkes! More photos on SmugMug: https://eastirondequoit.smugmug.com/Helendale-Road/2022-2023/Wyatt-Hannukah-traditions/ #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
students playing dreidel
student holding menorah
student playing dreidel
student eating latkes
HR students had a special visitor today! Tricia DellAnno, author of “No Dog in my Yard” and “A Dog in my Yard,” read her books aloud and students got the chance to ask her questions about the stories and what it is like to be an author! Thanks for visiting, Tricia! More photos here: https://eastirondequoit.smugmug.com/Helendale-Road/2022-2023/Visiting-Author #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
author reading book aloud
student clapping
author reading aloud
student raising hand
Mrs. Langdon & Ms. Shapow's kindergarten classes were excited about the arrival of their first gingerbread from a kindergarten class in North Carolina. They enjoyed learning about how their classes were similar and different. #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Gingerbread and note from North Carolina.
Mrs. Langdon and Ms. Shapow's Kindergarten classes are participating in a national gingerbread exchange. Schools across the country will exchange gingerbread friends fostering learning about schools, students and winter activities throughout the United States. #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Gingerbread friends
Mr. Eddy's 2nd grade class at HR hosted a Narrative Writing Presentation Party. 🥳 After weeks of preparation, the student authors got the chance to present their stories to their classmates and family members. #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Group Picture of Mr. Eddy's class.
Mom helping student practice their story to read aloud.
student presenting his story to the class.
Two students reading their story.
Helendale Road 2nd grade students worked together on teams to solve math problems to open the breakout boxes. Check out all the pictures here: https://eastirondequoit.smugmug.com/Helendale-Road/2022-2023/2nd-Grade-Break-Out-Boxes/ #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
students working on solving math problems to open the breakout boxes
students working on solving math problems to open the breakout boxes
students working on solving math problems to open the breakout boxes
students working on solving math problems to open the breakout boxes
Stop by the DE PTA's 2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar at Durand Eastman School, 95 Point Pleasant Road, TODAY, November 12th from 11am-5pm. Over 40 vendors and crafters, admission is free! #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar, fundraiser for the Durand Eastman PTA, Saturday, November 12, 11am-5pm, Durand Eastman School, 95 Point Pleasant Rd.