Library Policies

"Read" wooden letters on a library bookshelf

The Middle School Library is available to both students and staff for a variety of resources and services. Students may use the library for independent study, research, and independent reading. Students also have the opportunity to check out books and magazines. Students will visit the library with their classes for instruction on a number of information skills and for research specific to class projects. The library's highest priority is meeting the research and reading needs of our students.


2 Books and/or magazines may be checked out of the library at a time for a two-week period. Overdue notices will be sent to homerooms weekly as a reminder for students to either return or renew these items.

Passes/Sign In

Students must come to the library prepared to show a pass signed by their teacher. All students must sign in when entering the library. Before leaving, students must sign out of the library and return directly to class. Students may not leave the library at any time without permission from either Ms. Hilbert or Ms. Creatura.


Students utilizing the library are expected to come prepared to work productively and with respect for those reading and working around them.

We look forward to seeing you in the library!