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Beginning on Monday, November 22nd East Irondequoit schools will begin offering the Rapid PCR test option.  We have three rapid testing machines at both of our primary schools and our middle school.  Due to the limited number of testing machines, any parent/guardian who chooses to have their student tested must work with their student’s nurse to schedule a time for testing.  No test will be administered without the consent of the parent or guardian.


The Rapid PCR testing option will be considered after a symptomatic student is assessed by the school nurse.  An adult will need to pick the student up from school.  With consent, the student will be rapid PCR tested while waiting to be picked up.  Before the following day, the adult will know the result of the test, and if negative, the student can return to school once symptoms have resolved.


The Rapid PCR testing machines can process up to two tests each hour.  Although we can access test results in a shorter amount of time, we are still limited in the volume that can be processed on any given day.


Considerations for the use of the COVID 19, Rapid PCR Test option:

  1. The tests are for testing students, only.
  2. Tests are to be used in situations where a student is symptomatic in school and will need clearance from a doctor or a negative PCR test result to return to school. 
  3. Testing will be performed on students during normal school hours or by appointment depending on individual nurse schedules.  


To Complete an Covid Testing Parent Consent Form,click here.