DE had an exciting sing-a-long this afternoon, with special guest Jennifer Johnson, Director of Family and Community Outreach at Golisano Children’s Hospital. She collected all the holiday cards students made for the health care workers at Strong Memorial Hospital. Students also spoke about various holidays celebrated during the winter season and sang traditional songs from many of the holidays. The teaches did a surprise dance for the audience and the event ended with the announcement that the students had a snow day tomorrow!! See all the fun here: #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Jennifer Johnson accepting holiday cards for the hospital
Student speaking about holidays
Teachers dancing
students excited about the snow day
December has been a busy month! Classes throughout the district have been learning about holidays celebrated throughout the world. At DE, Ms. Pers class invited families to come in and help make crafts representing Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Diwali, St. Lucia, Iemanja, and Christmas. Check out the pictures from this activity: #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Ms. Pers and students making a white flower
Parent and student making the Star of David
Student making a Kinara
Student wearing a wearing a wreath with candles
Did you know that today is National Caroling Day? As a part of "12 Days of Kindness", students sang winter carols around Durand Eastman this morning to spread some cheer! #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
students singing winter carols
students singing winter carols
students singing winter carols
students singing winter carols
From all of us at DE…
over 1 year ago, Mr. Roach
happy  Hanukkah
Celebrating our students who have read at least 5 books so far this year with KONA ice!
over 1 year ago, Durand Eastman
Amazing STEM activity on the indigenous people of Irondequoit! Students created visual representations of the culture, created QR codes that will take visitors to an audio recording of their projects they recorded. Complete with a written component and Wampum’s! These project will be on display at the Irondequoit Public Library next week!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Roach
stem activity on indigenous people of our town
stem activity on indigenous people of our town
stem activity on indigenous people of our town
stem activity on indigenous people of our town
Dr. Chisato Marling taught a saxophone lesson for students at Durand Eastman this morning. Students also enjoyed watching her play both the alto and soprano saxophone. To see all the photos from today's lesson, click the link: #WeAreEI
over 1 year ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Dr. Chisato Marling
Dr. Chisato Marling
student playing the saxophone
students with Dr. Marling
DE Families—Don’t forget to order your students’ Square 1 Art Keepsake!
over 1 year ago, Mr. Roach
square 1 art
From all of us at DE, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Roach
happy thanksgiving picture
DE Students had a blast at the Rochester Maker Faire. Even got to meet Mario the Maker Magician! He had such a powerful message for students!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Roach
Maker Faire
Maker Faire
Maker Faire
Maker Faire
EIMS Help Desk students & a group of DE students attended the STEAM Fest at the Makers Faire today. Students got to participate in hands on activities and see engaging demonstrations all centered around Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Students at Makers Faire
Students at Makers Faire
Students at Makers Faire
Students at Makers Faire
Modified Philosophical Chair Activity in 3rd grade Ms. Bryce’s room with Ms. Mead! Awesome collaborative activity with writing and high level thinking! Kids Loved it! #AVID #DE
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Roach
modified Philosophical Chair Activity in 3rd grade
modified Philosophical Chair Activity in 3rd grade
modified Philosophical Chair Activity in 3rd grade
Drill Sergeant Dixon explaining his job in the military in Ms Pers 4th grade class as a follow up to Veterans Day!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Roach
Veterans Day visitor
DE Holiday Bizarre in full force! Thank you DE PTA!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Roach
vendor booths
Stop by the DE PTA's 2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar at Durand Eastman School, 95 Point Pleasant Road, TODAY, November 12th from 11am-5pm. Over 40 vendors and crafters, admission is free! #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar, fundraiser for the Durand Eastman PTA, Saturday, November 12, 11am-5pm, Durand Eastman School, 95 Point Pleasant Rd.
Honoring those that served our country today and every day! Veterans Day 2022
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Roach
Veterans Day picture
It was a beautiful day for DE 3rd graders to learn about instruments to measure weather. Students measured wind speed, temperature and learned how to read a compass. #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Students measuring weather
Students measuring weather
Students measuring weather
Students measuring weather
Mrs. VanEps' 5th grade STEM class designed and 3-D printed pins to give to veterans in honor of Veterans Day. #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
Student designing their Veterans Day pin
Student designing their Veterans Day pin
Student designing their Veterans Day pin
Student designing their Veterans Day pin
Don't forget to stop by the DE PTA's 2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar at Durand Eastman School, 95 Point Pleasant Road, Saturday, November 12th from 11am-5pm. Over 40 vendors and crafters, admission is free! #WeAreEI
almost 2 years ago, East Irondequoit CSD
2nd Annual Holiday Bazaar, Fundraiser for the Durand Eastman PTA.  Saturday, November 12, 11am-5pm, Durand Eastman School, 95 Point Pleasant Rd.
As our kindness week wrapped up, it’s safe to say this hallway display might just stay up! #We_Are_DE!
almost 2 years ago, Mr. Roach
be the I in kind!