Contact the Nurse's Office at your child's school:

Eastridge High School:
Joe Marotta/Lucy Davis
Fax - 339-1549

East Irondequoit Middle School:
Susan Green/MaryBeth Galewski
Fax - 339-1439

Durand-Eastman Intermediate School:
Amoreena Zaffuto
Fax - 339-1353

Laurelton-Pardee Intermediate School:
Megan Kloosterman
Fax - 339-1289

Ivan Green Primary School:
Cierra Izzo
Fax - 339-1328

Helendale Road Primary School:
Amanda Johnson
Fax - 339-1349

Welcome to Health Services

The district’s health services staff works to detect and treat any health problems students may face because sound health is vital for full academic achievement.  Health services staff members offer regular screening in a number of areas to supplement regular physical examinations required under state law.

As good health is vital for academic achievement, there is a School Nurse assigned to each school.  The nurse will care for your child should s/he become ill or injured during school hours.  The School Nurse is also responsible for completing yearly state-mandated screenings, and compliance with state mandates for immunizations and physical exams.

If your child needs to take medication while in school, (this includes over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol and Advil) the following requirements must be met before it may be administered:

  • Written permission from the physician AND parent

  • If your physician states child can self-carry, an independent Carry and Use form from a physician must be completed and signed by parent and physician along with the district's Medication Permission form.  All district forms can be found here.

  • Medication in the original labeled container.

  • Delivery to school by an adult

State Education law requires physical exams for all new students to the district as well as students in PreK or K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th.  Ideally, your child’s private healthcare provider should complete these exams.  If this is not possible, exams are provided by the district’s Nurse Practitioner.   Should your child have any special medical issues or needs, please feel free to call and discuss them with the school nurse.

Mandated Screenings

The New York State Education Department requires certain screening exams to be done on certain ages or grades of children.  Vision and hearing screening will also be done in school for the grades listed above.  Scoliosis screening will be done for girls in grades 5 and 7 and boys in grade 9.  The New York State Department of Health (DOH) also requires that your private health care provider reports and that the school district collects information on your child’s Body Mass Index (BMI) and Weight Status Category (WSC).  Any information requested by the DOH regarding BMI or WSC will not contain identification of your child.  However if you do not wish to have your child’s unidentified assessment included on the survey, please advise the School Nurse.

Required Immunizations

It is mandatory for all students to be fully immunized. This stipulation applies to all students, including those now attending East Irondequoit Schools and new entrants. There are no exclusions.  Students will  not be allowed to attend school unless the district has proof of required immunizations.   Immunizations may be obtained from family health care providers or parents may wish to take advantage of free immunizations for children under the age of 18 years offered by the Monroe County Health Department, 274-6151.

COVID-19 Guidance

Click here for the latest COVID-19 guidance

Home/Hospital Instruction

The district provides home/hospital instruction for those students whose health problems require prolonged absences from school.  The following guidelines should be followed for the home/hospital instruction:

  1. Submit requests to the student’s principal as soon as a prolonged absence is indicated.

  2. The reason for the absence must be clearly documented by the family or school physician.

  3. The district will make arrangements for home instruction after receiving documentation from the physician and developing a re-entry plan for the student.

For further information, contact Pupil Personnel Services 339-1252